Home Moving Guide

6-8 Weeks

Before Moving Day

This is a great time to begin the details of your move.

  • Lists

Separate lists by items you plan on moving to your new home or to storage. Will they be handled by the movers or yourself?

  • Moving company

Get estimates and discuss costs, packing, timing and other necessary details.

  • Community

Research about the community from the local Chamber of Commerce or Visitor’s Bureau.

  • Important Information

Place all of your medical records, prescriptions, vaccination and pet records in a safe place.

  • Donations

Give away items that you do not need. Consider a garage sale if you have time.

  • Expense

Maintain a file with important information and receipts since moving expenses are deductible.

  • Insurance

Transfer medical, property, fire and auto insurance through your insurance agent.

4-5 Weeks

Before Moving Day

Be sure to notify your service providers of your move

  • Packing Materials

Buy packing boxes and materials. Available at all of our storage facilities.

  • Children

Register your child(ren) in their new schools.

  • Pets

Find out if there are any specific requirements for pet ownership; and obtain the veterinarian records. Arrange for moving day pet care.

  • Change of Address

Contact the post office, and complete a US postal change of address form.

  • Utilities

Notify your service providers of your move. Call ahead and arrange to have utilities disconnected and connected to your new home.

2-4 Weeks

Before Moving Day

Determine your game plan

  • Babysitter

Arrange for a babysitter on moving day if you have young kids.

  • Travel

If traveling by car, you may want to get it serviced prior to your moving day departure.

  • Don’t Forget

Clear out anything in basements, attics, closets and safety deposit boxes. Also, collect loaned items to friends.

  • Hazardous Items

Dispose of flammable items like fireworks, cleaning fluids, matches, acids, chemistry sets and other hazardous items.

  • Plants

Some state laws do not allow moving house plants. Consider giving them to friends or a local charity.

  • Packing

Start cleaning, sorting and packing. If renting a storage unit, label the boxes and drop off what you currently don’t need.

  • Disassemble

Take a photo of how your electronics are connected. Back up computer files and disassemble large items.

1 Week

Before Moving Day

Last minute details

  • Labels

To ensure the safety of your items, label your boxes ‘Fragile’, ‘Load First’, ‘Load Last’ and ‘Do Not Load’.

  • Clean

Empty, defrost and clean your refrigerator at least one day before moving.

  • Movers

Make sure the moving company has the correct address and a phone number to get in touch with you until you reach your new home.

  • Essentials

Pack a separate bag/box with the essentials you need immediately upon arrival. Carry traveler’s checks or cash for quick payments.

Moving Day

Things to keep in mind on moving day

  • Loading Process

Be present, thoroughly inspect the premises and see to it that nothing is left behind.

  • Movers

There must be someone to direct the movers. The driver must have your name and phone number. Remember to get the driver’s contact info as well.

  • Unloading

Make sure there are no missing or damaged items using your inventory list. Plan out the placement of major items in your home.

  • Lock Up

Turn off all the switches and lock all of the windows and doors.

  • Be Patient

If you reach your new home before your mover, sign the bill of lading and make sure your new address and phone number are correct.

  • New State

You will need to renew your driver’s license and other legal papers. Locate hospitals, police stations and fire stations near your new home.

Not sure what size you need?

Choosing the right size unit is important. Our online size guide can help you visualize how your belongings will fit in your unit before you move in. Check out our size calculator at a specific location for a more accurate size recommendation.